What’s the one thing you must do to win the trust of customers?

17 Sep 2019 19018 views 0 minutes to read Contributors

We’re all spending much more time in the digital world. Ecommerce continues to grow in popularity and we all benefit from the convenience of booking holidays and paying bills online. But, while convenient, those digital experiences can also cause major headaches.

As consumers increasingly rely on the internet, so they develop ever-higher expectations of a seamless, reliable digital service. When disappointed with their online experience, they don’t always stay quiet about it. Research suggests 90% of online shoppers will respond to a bad experience by taking action, from simply never returning to your site to venting their anger on social media.

Recent events prove that even the big brands are vulnerable. Several international airlines have suffered customer database downtimes that caused massive delays, affected customer service and violated trust. Last year, a ‘weekend’ database upgrade at a UK bank locked around two million customers out of their internet and mobile accounts, with some accounts locked for over six weeks.

The cost of solving such problems pales into insignificance when you consider the damage to brand reputation and loss of consumer trust. And that’s the answer to our question: to win the trust of customers, you must never lose it. Ensuring a seamless and error-free customer experience is important to your brand. But, it is essential that consumers know they can trust you with their data.

In a post-GDPR world, there is heightened alertness and lower customer (and regulator) tolerance for database downtimes and security mistakes. When hackers stole over $2.5 million from around 9,000 customers of a supermarket bank, the regulators imposed a $20 million fine on the company. But, you can be certain the database vulnerabilities that made the hack possible cost the company much more in terms of brand damage and loss of customer trust.

What can you do about it – and how can SQLTreeo help?

The good news is that many database breakdowns and breaches are preventable. Regular Health Checks will tune up database performance to improve customer experience. Most importantly, they can pinpoint areas of weakness and vulnerability before they cause serious damage to your brand. Here’s how our experts check the health of your database:

1. We run risk assessments and give you a comprehensive view of your database health

Our Health Check application helps DBAs know what’s going on and what to focus on. It will tell you how well your databases are performing, how effective your back-ups are and alert you to any potential data security breaches. We can also give you specific reports and a clear overview of your server configuration, without making any changes to your database environment.

2. We help you fix any problems

Our Health Check application also identifies ways to improve your system’s performance and stability. You’ll have a report with these recommendations in your mailbox, normally within one hour. Then, if you need any further help with more complex issues, we are always on the other end of the phone.

Our comprehensive Health Checks are the database equivalent of a consultation with an experienced medical specialist. Our experts have seen – and solved – the same problems multiple times already. We will give you a detailed, best practice analysis of your SQL environment and flag potential issues before they cause problems or business disruption.

Remember Warren Buffet’s advice

The repercussions of database disruption can be huge. It will not only cost you money, but also your brand reputation and customer loyalty. As Warren Buffet says, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” Visit https://www.sqltreeo.com/sqltreeo-health-check to find out more about how you can take a proactive approach to keeping your database healthy. We’ll help you give your customers the experience and security they deserve.

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