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06 Jun 2022 33630 views 0 minutes to read Contributors
SQL Server registers every missing index. Here is how you retrieve that information from the missing index DMV's
1 select db_name(t1.database_id) as database_name, t1.inequality_columns,t1.included_columns,t1.statement as table_name,(select max(rowcnt) from sysindexes where id=t1.object_id and status in (0, 2066) ) as [rowcount] , t2.user_seeks,t2.last_user_seek,t2.last_user_scan,t2.avg_total_user_cost,t2.avg_user_impact, 'CREATE INDEX idx_DBO_'+REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(statement,'[',''),']',''),'.','_')+CONVERT(VARCHAR,t1.index_handle)+'E ON '+statement+'('+equality_columns+') '+ CASE WHEN included_columns IS NOT NULL THEN 'INCLUDE( '+ISNULL(included_columns,'')+') ' ELSE '' END as [Equality] , 'CREATE INDEX idx_DBO_'+REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(statement,'[',''),']',''),'.','_')+CONVERT(VARCHAR,t1.index_handle)+'I ON '+statement+'('+inequality_columns+') '+ CASE WHEN included_columns IS NOT NULL THEN 'INCLUDE( '+ISNULL(included_columns,'')+') ' ELSE '' END as [InEquality] from sys.dm_db_missing_index_details t1 WITH (NOLOCK) inner join sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups t0 WITH (NOLOCK) on t1.index_handle=t0.index_handle INNER JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats t2 WITH (NOLOCK) ON t0.index_group_handle=t2.group_handle where database_id = Db_id() and user_seeks > 10 order by avg_user_impact desc, user_seeks desc, user_scans desc, last_user_seek desc
The WHERE clause contains a filter that only shows the missing indexes for the current databases and only for indexes that are missing for more then 10 times. You can change that how ever you want.
The result is a list of CREATE statements that you can copy and execute in your database. The names of the indexes are somehow prefabricated, you can adjust that formula.
We especially pay attention to the data in the yellow marked area. For example If the amount of rows is very high and the user seeks is very low and the last user seek was a week ago, we wouldn't create that index of course. But if the rowcount was for example 200000 and the user seeks above 1000 and last user seek actual with current date then yes.
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