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06 Jun 2022 34761 views 0 minutes to read Contributors
Data is now the world’s most valuable commodity. There’s also an infinite supply as businesses and individuals are constantly creating, downloading and trading it. That raises many questions around data security.
Here’s another big question. Is all this data living up to its potential value? For data to be useful and usable in business, you need to be able to do more than simply store it. When properly analyzed and presented, data can provide new insights, perspectives and value.
These are all hot topics. They are not only hitting the headlines but are also being debated by company boards and business schools around the world. To help you keep up, here’s a brief round up of some of the latest database issues and trends, with examples of how companies are using SQLTreeo’s expertise in the real world.
This is something we hear from many companies – and we have an answer. We recently appeared on Dutch business TV channel RTLZ, to explain how our innovative SQL Server Desired State Configurator (SSDSC) tool and Virtual Database Administrator (DBA) services can help. If you missed it, here’s the two-minute video in Dutch with English subtitles.
In the clip, SQLTreeo’s COO, René Schreuder, explains how our SSDSC saves a considerable amount of the time (up to 60%) that is typically spent on SQL database configuration. You can also hear how this is helping one of our customers, Finance Network, stay up to date and prevent problems before they occur. They also outline why this means they don’t now need to go to the time and expense of employing their own DBA.
This demand resonates with many of us. Most IT managers and business leaders are under pressure to reduce costs and hit project delivery deadlines, while at the same time ensuring data security is watertight. Effectively, you’re targeted to do more with less and it’s a big ask.
One of the struggles that many businesses we speak to have is maintaining database performance. They are particularly concerned about the knock-on effect of poor performance across the company, from sales and customer service to business analytics and high-level planning. Our article in EasyJet Traveller magazine explains how effective management of your database environment can overcome many of these everyday issues.
Earlier in the year, we were delighted to talk to Vallei Business magazine. In this article, you can get to know the SQLTreeo team members a little better. It also describes how we help solve database management problems for businesses across the region. It’s in Dutch and it’s an in-depth 3-page feature – but we’ve been in business for 20 years, so we had a lot to say!
Denit is a managed services provider, with a 50-strong team based in Amsterdam. We’re happy to announce they’re also a new SQLTreeo partner. In this blog, David Hut, Denit’s CTO, talks about how their ISV customers are already benefiting from the partnership.
Data really can be the new business superpower. But, making the most of it requires planning, resources and expertise. We hope this quick media round up of some of the issues and potential solutions has been thought provoking.
If you have any questions, or would like to know about the latest trends in database management and the smart use of data resources, you can contact us here.
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