
30 May 2021 9641 views 0 minutes to read Contributors

The following areas can be configured

Area Covers
Action What is AIM allowed to do in unattended (scheduled) mode
Running Hours Start and Ending hour when AIM is allowed to run
Running Days On which days is AIM allowed to run
Schedule when CPU is idle / profile name Additional information when AIM can run and profile name
Retention period How long data should be kept in the chosen Storage Option


Unattended mode

To run AIM in unattended mode, go to the command line and the folder where AIM executable is.

Start AIM as followed to run it with a specific profile:

SQLTreeoAIM.exe -profile profile1, profile2, ...

SQLTreeoAIM.exe -run (runs AIM un unattended mode for all profiles present)

Run SQLTreeo AIM in Automatic Mode (No user intervention required)

when this checkbox is enabled then - when AIM is started in unattended mode - AIM will run.

Review before applying changes

AIM will not perform any changes to the databases. It will only perform analysis


Create Index AIM will perform create index tasks if run in Unattended mode
Alter Index AIM will perform alter index tasks if run in Unattended mode
Disable Index AIM will perform a disable index instead of a drop index
Drop Index AIM will perform a drop index instead of a disable index

Running Hours

Based on a 24H clock (0-24) and local time of the computer where AIM is running on.

E.g. From 23 to 6 - AIM running in unattended mode is only running between 11PM and 6AM.

Running Days

AIM checks in unattended mode only if the current day is enabled.

Schedule when CPU is idle

AIM is only performing Analysis and Index tasks if the SQL Server CPU idle % is equal or greater than the specified percentage. This feature is not yet implemented.

Profile name 

The name of the profile visible in the left panel.

Retention period

Years # of years analysis data is stored in the Storage type configured under Storage Options
Months # of months analysis data is stored in the Storage type configured under Storage Options
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