Write a review and receive a free license

06 Jun 2022 13076 views 0 minutes to read Contributors

Write a review about one of our products and receive a FREE license.

By writing a review for us, you help our visitors to make a solid choice between one of our products. That is valuable for us. Therefore we reward you with a SQLTreeo SSMS AddIn Standard License for your SQL Server Management Studio. That license is worth USD 59 and makes your management studio experience even more efficient. 

All you have to do is choose for which product you want to write a review. As soon as the review is published you will receive your license. You can choose to write a review for every product, you receive a free license for every review you write.

These links will redirect you to the review site of Capterra. 

For these products you can write a review:


Click here to write a review on Capterra.

Automated Index Management

Click here to write a review on Capterra.

SQL Server Monitoring

Click here to write a review on Capterra.


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