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06 Jun 2022 2457 views 0 minutes to read Contributors
A temp folder needs to be created on a local PC, where logging output will be written, i.e. c:\temp\fuslog.
Find the 'FUSLOGVW.exe' tool. It might be installed already on the system. A typical location, depending on .Net SDK version, would be C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.7.2 Tools.
If the tool is not installed, it can be downloaded automatically with Visual Studio.
Run the FUSLOGVW.exe as Admin. Click the Settings button. In the opened Log Settings window, select 'Log all binds to the disk'. Tick 'Enable custom log path' checkbox, and enter the path from step (1), i.e. c:\temp\fuslog, to the 'Custom log path' field.
Click OK.
NOTE: this utility must NOT be left unattended. The logging SHOULD be stopped after the testing is done. to avoid a significant overload of the system.
Run SSMS and replicate the plugin issue that is being troubleshooted.
Collect the log files from the folder that location was entered on step (3). Please zip all the content of that folder. It will contain multiple folders and files.
CRITICAL!!! Switch to the utility. Click the Settings button. In the opened window tick 'Log Disabled' radiobutton in the Settings group. Click OK. Close the Fuslogvw utility.
Run SSMS and replicate the plugin issue that is being troubleshooted.
Collect the log files from the following folder:
Running SSMS With Logging Enabled
A temp folder needs to be created on a local PC, where logging output will be written, i.e. c:\temp\ssms_log.
Please find SQL Server Management Studio in Windows Start menu, either using Windows Start menu 'Type here to search' prompt, or using Start menu programs list.
Right click on the SSMS run menu item, select 'Open File Location'.
In the opened window that contains shortcuts, select (click) the one that starts SSMS. Press Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. Rename the shortcut using key F2 to something like 'SSMS 2017 with log'. Save.
Right click the new shortcut, select Properties.
At the end of the 'Target' field, add the following:
Click OK.
Run SSMS using the new shortcut and replicate the plugin issue that is being troubleshooted.
Collect the log files from c:\temp\ssms_log folder, and upload to SQLTreeo Plugin Support for further investigation.
The log files will be named 'log.xml', 'log1.xml', ....
Please also provide the ActivityLog.xsl that is going to be in the same folder.
Please find SQL Server Management Studio in Windows Start menu, either using Windows Start menu 'Type here to search' prompt, or using Start menu programs list.
Right click on the SSMS run menu item, select 'Open File Location'.
In the opened window that contains shortcuts, right click the SQL Server Management Studio item, right click, choose Properties and then Open File Location button.
Find a file named Ssms.exe.config. Make sure it contains the following:
Run SSMS and replicate the plugin issue that is being troubleshooted.
Collect the log files from %TEMP%\SSMS folder, and upload to SQLTreeo Plugin Support for further investigation.
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