Everything you need to manage your database at home

06 Jun 2022 42348 views 0 minutes to read Contributors

Business Continuity

Like most business leaders, you’ve probably been talking about digital transformation and flexible working for years. But COVID-19 has mobilized us all to bring about these major changes in a matter of a few short weeks. During this first phase of the pandemic, most companies have been focusing on protecting the health and wellbeing of their employees, while continuing to provide uninterrupted services to their customers.

Now, many are looking at their longer term smart working models and business continuity plans. According to research from EY, it’s likely that remote working will be the new normal, even after COVID-19. That presents opportunities and challenges, but one of your first steps is to ensure your DBAs have the right tools to keep your data secure and productivity high.

Ensure your DBAs can work from anywhere, anytime

That’s why we’ve put together our Business Continuity software package for your database environment. This bundle of tools has everything your DBAs need to run your database securely and efficiently, no matter where they are based. They could be working from home, a co-working hub, local coffee shop or your office. It doesn’t matter: with our Business Continuity bundle they will always be able to connect to and run their database tools.

All the database tools you need for a fixed monthly fee

Our Business Continuity package starts with a super-fast database healthcheck. This will highlight any existing issues with your database environment.  Your DBAs will also have access to our:

·         Database monitoring tool, so they will receive instant alerts of any errors or issues with the database. Download a free trial

·         Automated Index Management (AiM) tool, which saves significant time by automating 100% of your database indexes. Download a free trial

·         SSMS Addin to help them organize and structure their database folders and work more efficiently as a team. Download a free trial

We have designed all these tools specifically for remote working and have put all the appropriate security features in place. In summary, your DBAs will have everything they would expect if they were working from your office but available ‘right out the box’ at home.

Technical support is always on hand

Working from home can get lonely. Sometimes you need to ask a question, get some expert advice or you just need a helping hand. That’s why our Business Continuity package includes up to two hours a month of support from one of our highly experienced Virtual DBAs (VDBAs).  If your team ever needs more help than that, our VDBAs are available from 9-5 every week day for an extra fee.

We’re confident the monthly subscription offers extremely good value and should fit within your IT budget authorization.  It will provide you with much needed reassurance and business flexibility. It also offers your team the support they need to cope with the ‘new normal’.

To get started, or if you have any questions, call us on +31 854014693 or email info@sqltreeo.com.

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