
17 Dec 2019 2393 views 0 minutes to read Contributors


The SQLTreeo Addin has the following features and functions available:

  • Create static folder
  • Create dynamic folder
  • Compare objects
  • Quick filter
  • Object information
  • Collapse all
  • Manage folders

Features per version

SQLTreeo Static Folders

  • Available from SSMS version 2005 and up.

SQLTreeo Dynamic Folders

  • Available from SSMS version 2016 and up.

SQLTreeo Compare

  • Available from SSMS version 2016 and up.
  • Requires license for Compare.

If SQL Server Management Studio is installed after SQLTreeo, then reinstall SQLTreeo SSMS Addin

SQL Server version/


2008 2008R2 2012 2014 2016 2017 2018 2019
Static folder x x x x x x x  
Dynamic folder         x x x  
Compare         x x x  
Quick filter         x x x  
Object information x x x x x x x  
Collapse/script/manage x x x x x x x  


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