SSMS AddIn System requirements

05 Feb 2020 2105 views 0 minutes to read Contributors

SQL Server Management Studio

  • Installed on the computer before the installation of SQLTreeo SSMS AddIn.
  • SQLTreeo will be installed in all locally installed SSMS versions.
  • SSMS 2005, SSMS2008, SSMS2008R2, SSMS2012, SSMS2016, SSMS2017, SSMS2018, SSMS2019 and up.


  • Minimum .Net version: .Net 4.0.
  • Minimum Windows version: Windows XP with additionally installed .Net 4.0.
  • Minimum Windows version with pre-installed .Net 4.0: Windows 8 / Latest Windows Server (all editions).
  • HDD footprint is about 4MB.


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