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12 Apr 2021 33990 views 0 minutes to read Contributors
Documentation can be found here: AZCopy sync
Use AZCOPY.EXE (Download AZCopy)
azcopy sync "c:/temp/" "----here you put your SAS key -----" --recursive
The last forward slash in the first parameter is important.
Sometimes there can be a communication error which causes the AZCopy to be interrupted.
Put the following statements in a batch file so that it continues untill the job is finished.
%1 = parameter 1 (local folder)
%2 = SAS key (provide this parameter in "--- enter here your SAS key ---") because inside the batchfile the SAS key causes problems due to preserved keywords/patterns
set HTTPS_PROXY=dummy.invalid
SET /A retries = 0
azcopy sync "%1" %2 --recursive
SET /A retries = retries + 1
IF %retries% LEQ 100 (
ECHO Trying again %retries% ...
GOTO :startover
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